crestArticle by Daniel Reed.

Syndicated from Eternal Vigilance.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Mr. Reed is a Transegoist sympathizer; not a Transegoist — our syndication of his article does not indicate that he endorses the Transegoist philosophy.

People from the Crown Law Office have been reading this blog (Eternal Vigilance). Specifically, they have been reading STATE RAPES FORMER BARNARDOS COUNSELLOR.

It’s not clear whether the Crown Law Office wants the blog post taken down, or whether they just intend to use its existence to try and deprive Johan (the former Barnardos’ counsellor) of his relentless advocate. I won’t explain more, because an explanation might breach a suppression order (I think sometimes suppression orders are deliberately vague and not made in good faith).

You can read more about this on Chris Wingate’s blog.

Relentless advocate, Robert Lee, has spent thousands of hours at his own expense fighting for justice for Johan.

A message to those at the Crown Law Office:

You serve the Crown (the Queen) and she took an oath to cause Law and Justice, in Mercy, to be executed in all her judgments

Presumably you all took an oath similar to the following…

“I, [name], swear that I will well and truly serve Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her heirs and successors, according to law, in the office of ; and I will do right to all manner of people after the laws and usages of New Zealand without fear or favour, affection or ill will. So help me God.”

To truly serve the Crown and do your duty you need to betray your colleagues that defy the Law and cause injustice.


mob-ruleEditorial by Tim Wikiriwhi.

Syndicated from Eternal Vigilance.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Mr. Wikiriwhi is a Transegoist sympathizer; not a Transegoist — our syndication of his article does not indicate that he endorses the Transegoist philosophy.

“Broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there be thereon.  Narrow is the way that leadeth to life and few there be that find it.»
—Jesus Christ.

The idea of the «mandate of the majority» in determining what ought to be Law, or how a country ought to be governed is a Pagan/Greek idea.  It is a pseudo-morality which opposes itself to Christian Ideals of Justice.  Why then do so many Christians clamor for more democracy, and less principle and rule of Law?  Why is it that the socialists have been able to substitute the Idea of Majority Rule as being «the rule of law,» when it is no such thing?

Democratic whim is no more a protection of the rights of individuals than the whim of a dictator; the laws generated thereby are absolutely arbitrary!  Why is this truth not taught in ours schools? They don’t teach this because the state does not want the people to slap Constitutional restraints on their power or limit their spheres of operation and intervention.

Labour party Hench woman and Waikato University Propaganda Chief, Margaret Wilson opposed the institution of a Constitution which restrained the powers of parliament. I.e., she opposed the rule of Law, and desired the continuation of Totalitarian socialism. She praised social arbitrary law and mob rule, calling the status quo: “Our wonderfully fluid system!” Remember that she was part of the Labour government who abolished Kiwi’s rights to appeal to Privy Council in England, and established the New Zealand Supreme Court.  This was a socialist coup!

As one of New Zealand’s highest lawyers and legislators (Attorney General), it was in her party’s vested interest to Bamboozle the people of New Zealand to keep her party free to implement their nanny state agenda upon us. These were dark days for unpopular minorities: party pill/NOS bans, Anti-smoking legislations, etc.  Massive handouts to racist radicals, anti-smack legislation, etc. By comparison, John Key’s inept governance looks enlightened!  We don’t see anywhere near as much nanny state legislation being generated.

That many people will look at the list of oppressive socialist laws and think they were all good ideas; that the Nanny State is great, just goes to show that had they lived in Germany in the 1930’s, they would have been raising the one armed salute to the democratically elected socialist tyrant Adolf Hitler.  He was all about «State Health,» «State Education,» «Nationalism,» etc. This is why is is all too common to hear sheeple exclaim… (wait for it…) “Hitler was a genius and had a lot of great Ideas (!).»

be-this-guyThat unchecked Social Democracy is in the process of bankrupting every nation in Western Civilization makes little difference to the vested interests, dependent state-sponsored blood-suckers who now realize they have sucked the life blood out of their neighbors! They clamor against state cost cutting — as if you can get more labor out of dead slaves! The socialist politicians themselves refuse to admit they have ruined their nations. They make ridiculous statements, such as, “austerity will cause a depression,” when the truth is that their largess has already bankrupted us, and that every year that they continued their charade, they simply made things much worse! We stagger beneath massive debts and taxes! Look at Cyprus today! Frozen banks, and the prospect of looting the peoples’ savings! It is difficult for me to feel sorry for them, as the one thing that may be said about democracy is that the majority of people get the government they deserve; i.e., In every Western nation, the resident sheeple have ignored the «doom saying libertarians preaching ‘The End is nigh!’ from their soapboxes.» The greedy sheeple have allowed their governments to lead them to destruction.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Mr. Wikiriwhi is currently running for mayor of the city of Hamilton, NZ, as the Libertarianz Party candidate.


conf-Large-600x263Article by Richard Goode.

Syndicated from Eternal Vigilance.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Mr. Goode is a Transegoist sympathizer; not a Transegoist — our syndication of his article does not indicate that he endorses the Transegoist philosophy.

At the NORML New Zealand conference at Tokaanu last Saturday, Chris Fowlie was elected unopposed to the position of President. As it is written:

And then shall they see the Son of Mr. and Mrs. Fowlie coming in a cloud of smoke with power and great glory.

That’s Chris third from the right (at the back) standing behind me on the far right, and Phil Saxby second from the right. NORML issued a post-conference press release.

Scoop Independent News reports:

«New Zealand should regulate cannabis like alcohol and save at least $300 million per year, says the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, New Zealand Inc (NORML).

At its weekend conference at Tokaanu, delegates elected Chris Fowlie of Auckland as President, and Phil Saxby of Wellington as Secretary.

Chris Fowlie was previously President of NORML from 1997-2008 during which time NZ came tantalizingly close to cannabis law reform, has owned and managed The Hempstore for 16 years, and regularly appears in court as an independent cannabis expert witness.»

NORML is optimistic New Zealand is entering a period where cannabis law reform will finally happen here, and so am I, particularly now that we have competent, committed, convivial people with proven track records of activism such as Chris (and Phil, Billy, Gary, Dakta, etc.) running the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. It really is high time.


65591_10151293070271884_597466037_nArticle by Mark I Rasskazov, Editor in Chief.

Alvin Schlangen, a sustainable dairy farmer from Minnesota has, in court, stymied the government’s attempt to systematically destroy his livelihood through tyrannical regulation and fines against nature.

Interestingly, this was accomplished through jury nullification.  In other words, the State of Minnesota attempted to destroy this all-natural, independent farming entrepreneur, and the jury made the force of the state null and void.

The time for nullification in this country has come.  Our regulations have become unjust and unmanageable.  Our taxes have become unsustainable.  Our governments have been compromised by our corporations and foreign powers.  Our appeals for change are ignored — or we get change for the worse.  In effect, therefore, we no longer have a government for the people by the people.  The last non-violent resort is nullification.  This is where we are at.  Our political system has failed us.  We must nullify.  We must nullify on the state level, on the municipal level, on the county level, and on the individual level — and if we are taken to court because of it, our juries need to nullify unjust laws, as well.

When the government is at war with the individual, it becomes the responsibility of every individual to refuse to comply.

That is what happened here.  Hopefully, this is but the first domino in a cascading chain of events whereby the unconstitutional elements within our government are rapidly and thoroughly rolled back, never to return.


Lincoln-on-welfareAn essay on ethical and political philosophy by Mark I Rasskazov.

There was a time when we did not need the welfare state.  Adults got jobs, got settled, got married, had only as many children as they could support, and, together, raised their children to become responsible adults capable of seeing to their own survival — in that order.  If something unfortunate happened to an individual which made it impossible for that person to survive on his/her own, then the community would come together — usually via the local community church — to make sure that that person had food, water, and shelter.  Once they could no longer work, the elderly were taken care of by their children.

This was not a world devoid of tragedy, but it was world where, by and large, people got by, and did not rely on government assistance (meaning: resources confiscated from innocent individuals by force) to do so.  These people did not need to be saddled with massive taxes and regulations because they accepted responsibility for themselves, and spent the necessary resources voluntarily to make sure that the unfortunate did not starve — and if a man was an uncontrollable drunk, then resources were not wasted to fund his habit.

Fast forward to today.

Most people who engage in substance abuse are on welfare.  People who are responsible for themselves are not having children — because they cannot afford to, due to massive regulatory barriers to entry into self-employment, which limits the creation of new jobs, as well as a massive tax burden upon almost every aspect of their lives — whereas those who cannot or will not make any effort to contribute to their own survival often have several children with multiple partners whom they no longer have any association with.  These children are frequently abandoned, or are raised by a single parent.  With each consecutive generation, more and more are growing up learning to take from the productive by force via government while contributing nothing.  They are not being raised properly, and they have no interest in supporting themselves — much less a family — and much less those members of society who have genuine a disability which would legitimately prevent them from being able to support themselves.  This is a recipe for total social, economic, and cultural collapse.

How did we get here?

welfareFirst, we relieved children of their duty to see to the well being of their parents once they’d reached the age at which they could no longer work by instituting the Social Security System. Upon the infrastructure of Social Security, we then built a system whereby we relieved society of its duty to see to the disabled.  Once we accepted that, we decided that it must be the government’s responsibility to take care of everyone — regardless of what their problem might  be.  And so now we have more forms of welfare and personal subsidy than can be counted.  To name a few: food stamps, housing projects, housing subsidies, free phones, childcare subsidies, college grants…the list goes on.  This government (extorted) system of welfare was  (and is) distinct from individual charity in that, while private charity was a system of voluntary help based on assisting the unfortunate to deal with such things that would normally be their own responsibility, government welfare is seen as something to which the «unfortunate» (which is a term which has now been broadened in meaning to indicate anyone who sees themselves as a «have not») are morally entitled to.  Thus, there is a strong incentive on the part of the irresponsible and unenlightened to plunder as much from responsible, productive, self-sustaining people via the government as they possibly can.  This new system of institutionalized parasitism has severely undermined the very fabric and sustainability of our society, and (and this is critical) it is getting consecutively worse due to the fact that new births now tend to be to families that will not teach them to be responsible for themselves and help keep the system afloat.  While productive families generally tend to have one or two children, women on welfare frequently have five or six, from multiple male partners who are absent from their children’s lives.  This ensures that, over time, the population will strongly tend to increase in the number of those who demand welfare, while decreasing in the number of those providing it.  This, of course, can ultimately lead nowhere other than total economic collapse.

This brings me to the first key question of this essay: why do we need the welfare state?


We need the welfare state for two reasons: firstly, getting rid of the welfare state at this point will cause human suffering and chaos on a scale which is unimaginable to the modern mind.  Once the «government cheese» stops flowing, those who have come to rely on it — those who do not have a job, and have never bothered to learn any skill which might enable them to survive — will take to the streets committing acts of theft, violence, and destruction.  Eventually they will all die out, whether at the hands of the police, at the hands of private individuals defending themselves and their property, or of exposure, disease, dehydration, or starvation. In the meantime, the amount of destruction that will be wrought upon society and the economy will be catastrophic, and will take at least an entire generation to rectify.  Secondly, at this point in time, we have reached the point that a vast swathe have had so much handed to them, that they take the means of their survival for granted, and they no longer understand even the most basic concepts of long term self-interest.  These people will continue to reproduce and have multiple children with multiple partners — even in the face of starvation — thus perpetuating the destructive cycle of institutionalized helplessness, depravity, and destitution for generations to come.

The bottom line is that the main problem, over the long term, is the birth rate of that section of society which relies on theft via government assistance for survival; yet abolishing the welfare state will, at least in the short and mid terms, make things much, much worse before things start to get better.

There is a simple way to mitigate both of these factors if we act soon — which brings me to the second key question: what do we need to do to «fix» the welfare system?

The answer is simple:

Keep welfare in place, but make vasectomies or tubal ligations mandatory for anyone who wants to receive it.

Let’s talk about this for a moment.

The individual is the rightful owner of his/her person and property, and the state has no right to  compromise this right in any way.  It is not within the government’s proper purview to dispose of the person or property of a human being except as punishment when that person violates the person or property of another individual.  However, no one has a right to government assistance — in fact, if a person accepts government assistance — except as part of a contractual agreement for public service — then that person is committing an act of theft against every person who is forced to pay taxes into the system which supports him.  Thus, by rights, the welfare system should not exits, as it is an institution based on mass theft.

However, as discussed before, welfare does exist, and we can’t get rid of it without experiencing serious short and mid term consequences.

iphone-welfareSo we need to acknowledge that if a person accepts government assistance then that person becomes a ward of the state.  This means that, unlike the person and possessions of a person that deals with others on the basis of voluntary interactions, that person’s body, mind, and property now exist at the whim of the state.  Once we’ve acknowledged this, the solution is very simple, and is as I have already stated.  You stop the welfare crowd from perpetuating itself. You give them enough to have shelter, food and water, but you take away their right and ability to have more children — and the children they already have must be properly accounted for in terms of how they are treated, and in terms of receiving some form of basic education with opportunities for vocational school or college preparation.  If the children are being mistreated or neglected, then the state will exercise the right to confiscate them and give them to foster parents.  At present, the government exercises this legal philosophy toward self-sustaining people as well.  This must stop immediately.  The government has no right, and should have no privilege, to make decisions as to the fate or future of a child who is born to parents who do not receive government assistance.  Yet it does have that responsibility to the children of those parents that do, and the government should exercise that responsibility.

From then on, receiving government assistance will be tantamount to removing oneself from the gene pool — which is just; the law of nature is such that if you cannot survive, then you are not fit, and should not reproduce — and this is more humane than the wild, because we are not letting these people die of starvation, thirst, or exposure to the elements.

Over time, this will correct our current culture which values parasitism over progress, ignorance over intelligence, and weakness over strength, and our country will be preserved from the complete collapse that is otherwise inevitable.