A Basic Overview of Transegoism

A General Overview of the Principles of Transegoism
“C.E.’s Another Heaven,” by Gale Titus.
Although this explanation of the tenets of Transegoism is quite basic, there is an even shorter, more basic explanation that can be found here. Transegoism can also be explained in one sentence: it…

Homos Orate — Man Who Prays

The Science of Homo-Sapien
“Candle Lighting,” by Petr Kratochvil.
Science gave our species the name, homo sapiens: Man who knows or man who is wise.
We are the only surviving species of our genus, homo.
Struck Blind
Last March I had an experience reminiscent of Saint Paul…


recurrent-laryngeal-nerve-3201-250x300Article by Richard Goode.

Syndicated from Eternal Vigilance.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Mr. Goode is a Transegoist sympathizer; not a Transegoist — our syndication of his article does not indicate that he endorses the Transegoist philosophy.

In a comment on Tim’s article, The Ludicrous Claims of Evolution! Why not ESP? Kiwi Dave says:

«Our recurrent laryngeal nerve inefficiently loops round our hearts instead of directly connecting to the brain stem; this, like cleft palates are a consequence of our fish ancestry.»

This is evidence worth talking about.

giraffe-recurrent-laryngeal-nerve-600x406The recurrent laryngeal nerve is a branch of the vagus nerve (tenth cranial nerve) that supplies motor function and sensation to the larynx (voice box). It branches from the vagus nerve in the chest cavity before it loops around the aorta and then back up to the larynx. Why doesn’t it take a more direct route? That it takes this circuitous detour is cited as evidence of evolution.

Wikipedia describes the nerve as follows:

«The extreme detour of this nerve (about 15 feet in the case of giraffes) is cited as evidence of evolution as opposed to intelligent design. The nerve’s route would have been direct in the fish-like ancestors of modern tetrapods, traveling from the brain, past the heart, to the gills (as it does in modern fish). Over the course of evolution, as the neck extended and the heart became lower in the body, the laryngeal nerve was caught on the wrong side of the heart. Natural selection gradually lengthened the nerve by tiny increments to accommodate, resulting in the circuitous route now observed.»

If we (and the giraffes) did indeed evolve from fish, then the course of the recurrent laryngeal nerve has a simple explanation. Its course is less simple to explain if we (and the giraffes) are products of special creation. Thus, the course of the recurrent laryngeal nerve is not merely evidence of evolutionism, but evidence for evolutionism.

I have a question. How difficult would it be to genetically re-engineer a giraffe (or a human) so that the recurrent laryngeal nerve passes directly from the brain to the larynx?

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IMG_0663Short Story by Ari Juniper.

I remember a time when I felt powerful, and the world, the universe, vibrated at my feet. I was a sunflower sprout, stretching, reaching toward the bright energy above, drawing me in magnetically. A natural pull that made me know I was growing tall.

It all began with a seed, a thought pushed into the dark and fed by the world. The little idea began to shake, tumble, like a snowball pushed down a hill by gravity, the little seed gained momentum as it grows, gathers nutrients from the soil, and explodes.

The first step is hardest, we want to test the water before we jump. What if it’s cold? Hesitations and justifications like stones weighing our feet to the ground. But the seed, as it’s nurtured, pushes its little head toward the sky, slowly unveiling the light. Then we jump.

Head first is best, we’re thrown into the chaos, sending ripples resounding around us. Waves rock our bodies as we gain balance. But we can’t stop here. We choose now to swim, or sink.

Engulfed in idea, we begin to transform our visions into reality. I push my arms into the water surrounding me In any direction, I pull myself closer toward somewhere new.

I move slowly at first, as I feel how the water surrounds my body and how to best move through it. I roll over onto my back, breathe air into my lungs, and float in peace, letting thoughts and waves rock me. My arm is a pinwheel and my cupped hand is submerged, and I am moved. Then my other arm follows lead and begins to act in patterns, thoughts guiding actions guiding thoughts. I slide gracefully over the surface.

I appreciate the sky and begin to wonder what lies below the surface. I have almost forgotten what it was like before the jump and remembering makes me see how far I have come. I flip, taking in air as I submerge my body, reaching my arms below me into the darkness. I pull, like a rope guiding me up a wall, and my eyes are adjusting to the lightless world below.

lake sunsetI come up for air, keeping my eyes open to take in the light. Small steps give introduction to the unfamiliar, and as I explore, I am not afraid, for fear will pull me back to the shore. The little sprout never feared, for the sun was always there, telling the sprout, “all you must do is reach, then rest, and you will grow tall.” And so the seed stretched and shivered as it inhaled the life from the light, and when the light had gone to teach others, she would rest, awaiting another lesson.

As the seed grew into stalk, she learned about leaves, from her ancestors who speak to her through her own body. She found the leaves helped her to grow faster and stronger and so she made many. And at the center was the bud, the flower waiting to bloom.

As I float, moving through the water, this new world begins to feel natural as my body discovers and learns to be one with the medium. I begin to realize that all along I knew how to move but I just needed to throw myself into the waves and remember to move to stay afloat. my ancestors taught me how to swim as I mimicked their fins and trained my lungs to hold my life.

I dive again and see a fish dive below me, shaking his tail and body to propel himself. I see his way of moving is effective and try new methods of movement, slowly discovering better ways. I practice movement and reflect on my progress, and then resurface to rest and breathe.

Breath to energy; photosynthesis to light. I begin to see how I am the seed, slowly reaching and becoming more than a seed, but a stalk, a trunk, leaves, petals and more seeds. As I grow, my thoughts grow and I am able to know that one day I will send these new seeds, grown from another seed, out into the world, scattered in the soil to be nurtured as I was.

man-on-beach-at-sunsetAs the sunflower opens herself to the light each morning, her bright eye follows her muse across the vast blue ocean above and she shines, they shine together. I reach forward, my body submerged and moving toward the other shore. I am thankful for land and rest. As I pull my body, emerge from the depths, water droplets cling to my skin like burrs, soaking into my pores. I may be moving on from this pond but the pond has become a part of me now, just as the earth and sun become and create the sunflower.

I am the seed, the sun, the swimmer, the sea. I am my ancestors, the ancient biological knowledge that pulses in my veins. I am this place, the land below and sky above that nurture my body and soul and are home. I am the fish that shows me the way, I am the rain that quenches my thirst as I grow. I am myself, I am you, I am the universe, the stars and sand and energy. I vibrate at your feet, I am the world, we are all the world. We are everything. So, jump!


the_parting_of_the_red_seaArticle by Mark I Rasskazov, Editor in Chief.

My metaphysical model is monism, which means that I believe that there is one reality, and that everything in it is subject to a single set of physical laws (the Standard Model of Physics — until something better comes along).  Now, most monists do not believe in miracles.  Why?  Because the term «miracle» typically denotes something which is supernatural — i.e., something which defies the laws of physics; something which requires that we appeal to metaphysical dualism: the idea that there are two planes of existence; a physical one, and a separate one, a spiritual one, which can override the physical.

The majority of people who believe in the existence of a Deity (or deities) accept some dualistic metaphysical model.  I believe in God, and I accept a monistic model.  I also believe in miracles.  Is this a contradiction?  No; but I’ve had to manipulate the concept of «miracle» somewhat.

It has been said: «That which seems miraculous is actually merely the unexplained.»

I consider that statement to be accurate.

I add one twist:

That which is, admittedly, physically explicable, yet is clearly not coincidental must be considered to be miraculous.

The Ten Plagues of Egypt can be explained as a severe natural disaster.  Does that mean that it is coincidence that it happened to occur just as the time was right for the Israelis to leave?

The parting of the Red Sea in the book of Exodus has been explained as being the result of comet activity.  Does this mean that it is coincidental that it occurred just as it began to look like the children of Israel had their backs against the wall?

When the Israelis arrived at the Promised Land, on two separate occasions, the walls of a city they were attacking spontaneously crumbled at a strategically advantageous moment.  This could have easily been the result of seismic activity.   Coincidence?

I think not.

What I think is that this entire universe is a magnificent machine, which operates in a flawless, albeit brutal and bittersweet manner.

God does have love for mankind.  That’s not to say that He’s very nice.  He’s not.

God’s miracles are physical events that He has set into motion long beforehand.

In that sense, inasmuch as God is sovereign, every waking moment that you experience is a clear and present miracle.

Do not squander the beautiful and terrifying miracle that is your life.


to-600x480Article by Tim Wikiriwhi.

Syndicated from Eternal Vigilance.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Mr. Wikiriwhi is a Transegoist sympathizer; not a Transegoist — our syndication of his article does not indicate that he endorses the Transegoist philosophy.


It has always amazed me that the atheist world is so enthralled with Bertrand Russell’s «Celestial Teapot» as a supposed logical argument against the credibility of belief in God. This argument is routinely deployed by atheists in debates with theists, and so it was on a discussion I am having on face book about Science and belief in the after life. The important place Russell’s Teapot (and it’s mate, the «Flying Spaghetti Monster») play in the great controversy between faith and skepticism warrants that I write this article about it. I don’t know why Russell’s argument is so revered by atheists, as it only takes a small amount of contemplation to realize that His argument is actually a refutation of blind faith in atheistic evolution, not belief in God.

Let me explain.

Here is the argument in question:

«If I were to suggest that between the Earth and Mars there is a china teapot revolving about the sun in an elliptical orbit, nobody would be able to disprove my assertion provided I were careful to add that the teapot is too small to be revealed even by our most powerful telescopes.   But if I were to go on to say that, since my assertion cannot be disproved, it is an intolerable presumption on the part of human reason to doubt it, I should rightly be thought to be talking nonsense.  If, however, the existence of such a teapot were affirmed in ancient books, taught as the sacred truth every Sunday, and instilled into the minds of children at school, hesitation to believe in its existence would become a mark of eccentricity and entitle the doubter to the attentions of the psychiatrist in an enlightened age or of the Inquisitor in an earlier time.» —Bertrand Russell

The reason we ought to doubt the existence of a teapot orbiting between Earth and Mars is simply because we know that teapots are the product of mind over matter; i.e., unless mankind, or some other intelligence formed a teapot out of China and placed it in that orbit that there is no way nature could produce such an object via it’s blind and/or unguided forces!

The Theory of Evolution. The Illusion of Design.

This is an argument from design, and it makes a mockery of evolutionary theory because atheist evolutionists believe that something far, far more complex than a china teapot in orbit can and has been made by the pure blind and unguided forces of nature; I refer to the spectacle of life on Earth! For Atheists to believe life could possibly be the result of blind chance, and yet balk at the idea of a «celestial teapot» being formed by pure chance exposes their absurd credulity.  According to their theory, there ought to be all sorts of objects in space which have a quirky resemblance to designed artifacts…teapots?  Not a problem!

(I am reminded of The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, when it mentions the existence of “Casinos, all of which have been formed by the natural erosion of wind and rain…”  Hilarious!)

Well, we all know there very much is a problem: nature does not work like that! Russell’s argument is actually a very poor argument given the nature of what he was attempting to disprove; i.e., religious belief.

MakingLife-600x526It is also a great testament to the duplicity of atheists who balk at the idea of a celestial teapot, yet will look at you square in the face and tell you they believe life started by accident! That is to strain at a gnat while swallowing a camel!  He has, in fact, furnished theists with a great argument against atheism; for it would be much easier to believe in a «celestial teapot» than in the spontaneous generation and evolution of life.  Not to appreciate this is to be pig-headed indeed.

For more evidence of intelligent design:

Read about Biomimicry… Plagiarizing God’s designs.

Read about Paley’s other Watch.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Mr. Wikiriwhi is currently running for mayor of the city of Hamilton, NZ, as the Libertarianz Party candidate.