164482283Editorial by Barbara Proctor.

Syndicated from Barbara Proctor’s personal blog.

Many Christians (substitute «liberal», «conservative», «American», «Muslim», or whatever box you are close to and this whole rant will work just as well) are guilted into believing that by failing to toe the party line and check all the boxes on the policy card handed out by the neo-Christian-conservative political policy makers makes you somehow disloyal to God. It’s like those Facebook memes that say if you don’t share a picture of Jesus on a social website whose sole purpose is to figure out what you want so they can sell it to you, then you don’t love God. It’s rank manipulation. Don’t fall for it.

There are many issues on the ticket. Evolution, blind trust in «authority», gay marriage. But Jesus removed the priesthood from the mix. It is now only Him and The Spirit between you and God. You don’t have to call anybody else «Daddy.»

It’s ok to say that lesbians being married doesn’t hurt you, and it doesn’t threaten your Christianity.

Take a minute to look at the two women featured in this article from The Ticket, then explain to yourself (don’t explain to me, it’s not my business) how letting them have a piece of paper from the courthouse just like you have makes your life any less meaningful, your marriage less valuable, your devotion to God any less real or makes this country any less strong. If you still believe it, then vote your heart. (My heart says, «View with horror and disgust any piece of legislation that attempts to control through mob rule the personal details of individual lives.») But I’m skeptical you can honestly say God wants you to be wrapped around a pole about this.

It’s ok to make up your own mind. There will always be people who will build a box for you to live in so that you will be just like them; I assume it’s so they can feel validated in their opinions. Doesn’t mean you have to get in it.

There will always be people who build a box for you so that you will be exactly like all other people they’ve decided you must be indistinguishable from and demand that you conform to it. I assume it’s so they can feel validated in their distrust for people who aren’t like them.

Still doesn’t mean you have to get in it.